Traffic and parking management plan
This is a permit only parking development for “Residents” displaying a valid permit and adhering the rules on display.
Parking / Permit scheme is in place for benefit of residents not those wanting free parking for train station, town centre or football ground.
In summary the development consists of:
261 private apartments
- 97 housing association apartments
- 15 Live/Work units
- 18 commercial units (including the Ranelagh Road Hotel)
Parking spaces have been made available as follows (the development has a total of 384 parking spaces)
- Private Flats / Commercial Spaces (270 Spaces)
- 211 unallocated parking spaces
- 13 (including 1 disabled) allocated parking spaces for visitors/contractor parking
- 6 allocated disabled spaces
- 15 allocated parking spaces for the commercial unit (80 Compair Crescent) as assigned by freehold transfer
- 25 allocated parking spaces for the Ranelagh Road Hotel (behind barrier)
- Housing Association Spaces (Total 70 Spaces)
- 62 unallocated parking spaces.
- 5 allocated parking spaces for visitors/contractor parking
- 3 allocated disabled parking spaces.
- Live/Work units (30 Spaces)
- 30 allocated parking spaces for Iive/work units as assigned by freehold transfer
- Existing Resident Parking (ERP) – 1-41 (odds) Ranelagh Road (14 Spaces)
- 14 spaces specifically for numbers 1-41 (odds) Ranelagh Road.
Disabled Parking
Of these 384 parking spaces currently 9 are designated as disabled parking spaces and have been marked accordingly. If you have a blue badge and wish to request a disabled permit then send proof directly to NRM either via email to attaching a scanned copy or by sending a copy in the post to NRM Ltd, Wherry Road, Norwich, NR1 1WS.
Private Apartment Parking
- Parking spaces for private apartments will be unallocated and will be utilised on a first-come first-served basis.
- Each private apartment will be issued one numbered residents parking permit. Only vehicles displaying such a permit will be permitted to park in the areas shown in yellow on bay allocation map.
- Each private apartment will be able to elect to have a disabled parking space permit. These permits will only be allocated upon production of proof that the driver is a ‘blue badge holder’.
Commercial Unit Spaces
- Parking spaces for commercial units (excluding the hotel and 80 Compair Crescent) will be unallocated and will be utilised on a first-come first-served basis.
- The number of permits is determined by the lease/freehold transfers
- Only vehicles displaying numbered parking permit will be permitted to park in the areas shown in yellow on the bay allocation map.
Housing Association Spaces
- Parking spaces for housing association apartments will be unallocated and will be utilised on a first-come first-served basis.
- Each housing association apartment will be issued one numbered residents parking permit. Only vehicles displaying such a permit will be permitted to park in any of the housing association spaces shown in green (and marked with W’s in front of the bay) on the bay allocation map.
- Each Housing association apartment will be able to elect to have a disabled parking space permit. These permits will only be allocated upon production of proof that the driver is a ‘blue badge holder’
Ranelagh Road Live/Work Units
- Owners of the live/work units will be issued with 2 numbered parking permits per property.
1-41 (odds) Ranelagh Road
- The owners of numbers 1-41 (odds) Ranelagh Road will have 14 bays specifically allocated for their use marked ERP. They have been issued with 1 numbered parking permit per unit. The owners of these properties will not be authorised to park elsewhere in the development.
SUMMARY OF REVISED VISITOR PARKING RULES – Visitor Spaces (V & WV) – Effective 2nd September 2013
- Each private apartment has been issued one numbered visitor permit for use in bays marked V. Only vehicles displaying a visitor permit in conjunction with a valid parking ticket from the machine will be permitted to park in 1 of the 13 parking spaces for private apartment visitor/contractor parking (shown clearly on map overleaf).
- Each housing association apartment has been issued one numbered visitor permit for use in bays marked WV. Only vehicles displaying a visitor permit in conjunction with a valid parking ticket from the machine will be permitted to park in 1 of the 5 parking spaces for housing association visitor/contractor parking (shown clearly on map overleaf).
- As well as displaying a valid visitor permit, visitors need to display a valid parking ticket from the machine. Up to 4hrs is FREE OF CHARGE (requires visitor to enter full registration number) thereafter charges apply (up to 12hrs £2, up to 24hrs £3 & up to 48hrs £5). Maximum Stay is 48hrs, no return within 24hrs (i.e. leave 8am Monday, no return prior to 8am Tuesday).
Pay and Display Machine Payment Instruction (Summary)
New Parking Permits were issued by the managing agent on behalf of the management company in May 2013. As there is no restriction over access to the development a BPA licensed company (Secure A Space, Ipswich) are contracted by the managing agents on behalf of the management company to patrol the development.
Illegally parked cars will receive a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) and these will be issued for the following violations:
- Any vehicle not displaying a valid parking permit parked for the specific area within any of the private, commercial, housing association, disabled, visitor (including valid P&D ticket), live/work or 1-41 (odds) Ranelagh Road.
- Any vehicles parked on the roadways or any other area on the development
The charge for violations would be according to the contractors’ terms and conditions (see estate signage). Any disputes regarding notices received will be dealt with purely between the parking contractor and the user of the vehicle. The contractor has a clear appeals process. If the PCN fee is not recovered then the parking contractor reserves the right to take appropriate action for recovery of their fee, be it through debt recovery agency and/or referral to the court(s).
Neither the management company nor the managing agent can be held responsible for any vehicles that receive notices.
- Vehicle permits are transferable between vehicles; you can park any vehicle as long you display a valid permit at all times when parked on the estate.
- Visitor parking bays are for use by visitors to the estate only, not for use by residents or for parking 2nd cars (and switching permits)
- Please ensure that you and your visitors understand the rules and don’t abuse the system.
- Additional parking is available at Ipswich Borough Council Public Car Park (Ipswich Village Car Park) open 24hrs (pay and display with 329 spaces) on West End Road, Ipswich IP1 2DZ. Please refer to
Should you wish to discuss this please don’t hesitate to contact NRM direct on 01473 558400 or